What is a pull-up bar? A pull-up bar is a piece of equipment specifically designed for upper body exercises. Both men and women can use it to build back and biceps muscles. You can choose a pull-up bar based on price, convenience, and workout requirements. In this article, we will discuss the different types of home pull-up bars.
Types of Pull-Up Bars
Doorway Pull-Up Bar

As the name suggests, this type of home pull-up bar is mounted on a doorway. Of all the types of pull-up bars, it is usually the most affordable and easiest to mount. It is secured in place by either: 1) lifting and sliding the bar in place within the door frame, and then pulling down for a tight fit, or 2) twisting the bar to expand/push against the door frame on both sides. Take note that if you choose the second option, it may leave marks inside the door frame when you remove the bar.
One disadvantage of a doorway pull-up bar is that when a person wants to pass through the door, you workouts will be interrupted. This is the main drawback of installing the equipment in a frequently used area.
Wall Mounted Pull-Up Bar

A wall mounted pull-up bar is screwed into the wall. This type provides extra safety and stability. It should extend at least 15 inches away from the wall to give the user enough space to perform exercises. In a way, a wall mounted pull-up bar is better and more convenient to use than other types because they have fewer limitations. Distractions are less likely while you’re doing your workouts. You can also more easily choose the right height, according to your preference.
Ceiling Mounted Pull-Up Bar
This type of pull-up bar is screwed into the ceiling. A ceiling mounted pull-up bar provides the most freedom when it comes to movement. There’s plenty of room to move your body and swing without hitting any other structure. You can use your legs for a variety of complex moves. Plus, you don’t need to bend them at the knee joint. The ceiling height determines the length of the vertical bars. Most ceiling mounted pull-up bars fit standard stud spacing.
Free Standing Pull-Up Bar

These bars are often found in commercial gyms mainly because they require more space and are more expensive. But if you can afford it and have ample space in your home, you can consider buying one for yourself. A free standing pull-up bar allows the whole body to exercise freely. One advantage of choosing a free standing pull up bar is that you may be able to disassemble and store it when not in use. More importantly, these types of pull-up bars offer more flexibility, allowing you to do workouts outdoors.
What Is the Difference Between Pull-Ups and Chin-Ups?
When searching for a home pull-up bar, you might find products with “chin-up bar” indicated in the title. Don’t get confused, they are basically the same. The pull-up bar, as a term, is more frequently used than the chin-up bar. The equipment is the same, but the exercise is slightly different.
So what is the difference between pull-up and chin-up? When doing pull-ups, the body is suspended along the horizontal bar with the palms facing away. On the other hand, in chin-ups, the palms are facing you. Your elbows bend, pulling your body in the upward direction. Pull-ups focus more on the back muscles, while chin-ups put more focus on the biceps.
A home pull-up bar is used for upper body exercises. There are different types of pull-up bars, each suitable for a particular location. Based on your exercise requirements and space availability, you can choose what suits you best. If you want to buy pull-up bars, please click here.